The laboratory is well equipped with scientific instruments such as Hot air oven, microscopes, research binocular microscopes, Hb meter, compound microscopes, Centrifuge, sewing machine, GPS, Centrifugal juicer, geological compass, LCD display caliper, Caliper outside spring, Kipp’s apparatus, Retort burette, thermostat water bath, laboratory analytical balance, Bar pendulum, Young modulus setup, Viscosity setup, Electrical vibrator, HTC, LEE’s disc setup, Galvanometer, Spring constant apparatus used in various disciplines of sciences such as Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, Geology etc.

More than 2000 books have been catalogued in the cloud ready application e-Granthalaya by e-Granthalaya In-charge Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (Assistant Professor-Mathematics) and Ms. Hemlata Bisht (Assistant Professor-Physics) so far.
Separate arrangements of reading room exist in the college for boys and girls. Newspapers and magazines in Hindi and English are subscribed in the reading room. Students are expected to make use of the reading room facility in their spare time.