Government Degree College Kanda


Institutional Distinctiveness

  • Government Degree College, Kanda is a Government institution of Higher education that caters to the need of the students residing in the rural and semi-urban areas of the region.
  • Situated in the tehsil Kanda that is inhabited by a wide and varied populace, the institution is an important center of learning offering accessible education to the all.
  • The College has a major role in educating, enabling and empowering 80% of girls’ population of the area pursuing higher studies.
  • Being located amidst rural regions of a wide area of the Kanda, the institution makes significant contribution by creating awareness amongst the students for improving the rural conditions as prevalent in the area.
  • Generating awareness includes circulation of important messages relating to environment, sanitation, eradication of gender-bias, fostering a safe and secure atmosphere for women.
  • Sensitization programmes are organized in regard to various diseases like AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria etc. In the wake of Covid 19, the students were counseled for following Covid-protocol and maintaining proper isolation.
  • The vision of the institution gets reflected in the academic and co-curricular activities that each department engages in. The students are counseled and mentored by their respective teachers in the face of problems coming their way due to poor financial condition or less exposure to modern education or way of thinking. The Vision and Mission goes in cognizance with the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” campaign of the Government of India that aims to save and improve the life-conditions of Girls. The College reserves 30% seats in admission for girl-students on priority-basis to encourage them for pursuing higher education.
  • By following and implementing various community based programs and services that are guided and monitored by the NSS & Rovers & Rangers units in the adjoining rural areas, the college has made every effort to imbibe its vision. The participation of youths belonging to rural background in extension and outreach programs sensitizes the energetic youth toward social issues. They learn about the critical significance of social issues which help them in holistic development and integrated learning.
  • Under “Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat” various socio-cultural programs are organized to instill the values of national integration, unity and feeling of oneness amongst students. The commonness, unity and uniformity get reflected in the practice of uniform dress-code as followed by the students. As a result, differentiation or gap of any kind does not exist among the youths.
  • The norm of Flag- hoisting in the morning before the start of classes is to promote the feeling of honour and respect for our National symbols. The National festivals are celebrated every year with much enthusiasm and zeal that instills patriotism and a sense of pride for the Nation. Every year, “Run for Unity” is organized in remembrance of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.
  • Seminars and webinars are organized for celebrating Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti and anniversaries of eminent personalities in which invited Guest Speakers interact with the students. These activities render value based education through academic, co-curricular and extension services.
  • The Extension activities include programs for sensitizing the locals towards environmental conservation viz, “Tree Plantation programme, Establishment of Herbal Garden in college building, establishment of vermi-composting unit”. The residents of Kanda are made aware of the hazards of environmental pollution.This involves development of pro-environmental attitude, hence, initiating the pace towards fulfilling the vision of the college.
  • Special health related Seminars, work shop are organized and health check up camps are set up in the college time to time. The health related issues of students and staff are consulted regularly.
  • Cultural and Sports Events organized annually, the Girl students are encouraged to take active participation in maximum events to boost their self confidence. Along with the regular teaching, the student centric activities involve conduction of offline and online co-curricular activities which are organized by the respective departments. These activities comprise celebration of NSS Day, Earth Day, World Ozone Day, Science Day etc. in which the students are provided with a platform to express themselves. Speech, Debate, Quiz, Poster – Making competitions and group discussions are a regular feature in each department in every academic session.
  • Against all odds, we strive hard to make the best possible efforts to foster academic values, critical thinking and a supportive educational ambience by all means.
  • All these activities along with the academic and curricular pursuits promote holistic Personality development of students.