Government Degree College Kanda


Participation of teaching staff in FDP, PDP, Orientation, Induction, Refresher, Short Term, etc.

Academic Year 2023-24

S.N.Name of the FacultyTitle of the ProgrammeDates (From-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1Mrs. BhartiRefresher Course04-03-2024 to 16-03-2024View
2Dr. Neelam SaunRefresher Course07-03-2024 to 20-03-2024View
3Dr. Nagendra PalShort Term Training Programme11-01-2024 to 22-01-2024View
4Dr. Kailash TamtaRefresher Course12-01-2024 to 25-01-2024View
5Dr. Chaman KumarRefresher Course14-12-2023 to 28-12-2023View

Academic Year 2022-23

S.N.Name of the FacultyTitle of the ProgrammeDates (From-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1Dr. Hemlata BishtFaculty Induction Programme30-01-2023 to 27-02-2023View
2Dr.Uma Pandey PadaliaFaculty Induction Programme30-11-2022 to 29-12-2022View
3Dr. Kailash TamtaFaculty Development Programme30-11-2022 to 29-12-2022View
4Dr. Vinod KumarRefresher Course28-03-2023 to 10-04-2023View
5Mr. ParveenShort Term Training Programme21-09-2022 to 29-09-2022View
6Dr. Vijay AryaRefresher Course27-09-2022 to 11-10-2022View

Academic Year 2021-22

S.N. Name of the Faculty Title of the Programme Dates (From-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1 Dr. Neelam Saun Faculty Induction Programme 13-11-2021 to 17-12-2021 View
2 Dr. Asha Arya Faculty Induction Programme 13-11-2021 to 17-12-2021 View
3 Dr. Nidhi Adhikari Faculty Development Programme 21-06-2021 to 05-07-2021 View
4 Mr. Parveen Orientation Programme 21-08-2021 to 19-09-2021 View
5 Ms. Neetu Faculty Induction Programme 11-11-2021 to 11-12-2021 View
6 Mrs. Bharti Faculty Induction Programme 21-02-2022 to 25-03-2022 View
7 Dr. Sachin Agrawal Faculty Induction Programme 17-05-2022 to 15-06-2022 View
8 Dr. Nagendra Pal NSS Orientation Training Programme 28-02-2022 to 06-03-2022 View
S.N.Name of the FacultyTitle of the ProgrammeDates (From-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1Dr. Vijay AryaFaculty Induction Programme23-09-2020 to 31-10-2020View
2Mr. Pankaj Kumar TamtaFaculty Induction Programme23-09-2020 to 31-10-2020View
3Mr. Bharat RamFaculty Induction Programme23-09-2020 to 31-10-2020View
4Dr. Sachin AgrawalWorkshop on IPR &ED01-09-2020 to 05-09-2020View
S.N.Name of the FacultyTitle of the ProgrammeDates (From-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1Dr. Nagendra PalRefresher Course19-08-2019 to 30-08-2019View
2Dr. Dinesh JoshiRefresher Course18-11-2019 to 30-11-2019View
3Dr. VIjay AryaShort Term Training Programme17-12-2019 to 23-12-2019View
4Mr. Pankaj Kumar TamtaShort Term Training Programme17-12-2019 to 23-12-2019View
S.N. Name of the Faculty Title of the Programme Dates (From-to) (DD-MM-YYYY) Certificate
1 Dr. Dinesh Joshi Orientation Programme 01-01-2018 to 29-01-2018 View
2 Dr. Nagendra Pal Refresher Course 05-02-2018 to 07-03-2018 View

Participation of non-teaching staff in administrative training programme

S.N.Name of the non-teaching staffTitle of the ProgrammeDates (From-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1Mr. Hoshiyar Ramकार्यालय एवं वित्तीय प्रबंधन18-12-2023 to 19-12-2023View