Government Degree College Kanda


Internal Cell (Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell)

The Cell is formed to resolve the women’s grievances regarding gender discrimination and sexual harassment complaints of its students. For gender equality & gender justice in all its interventions & practices Woman Grievance Redressal Cell was established under THE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ACT, 1990 (Act No. 20 of 1990) of Govt. of India. The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students & staff about Woman Grievances at the college through personal contact or digital medium. According to the Hon. Supreme Court of India, the definition of sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexually determined behavior, such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favors
  • Sexually Colored remarks.

Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. The functions of the Cell are to purely safeguard the rights of female students, faculty, and staff members of women and provide a platform for listening to complaints. The Cell also tries to incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college. It tries to equip them with the knowledge of their legal rights and redressal of their grievances. Currently the Women’s Grievance redressal Cell is renamed as ” Internal Complaints Committee”. the committee is constituted in the college in compliance with the order dated 12.05.2023 passed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the appropriate Writ Petition No. 2482/2014. 

The committee Members are as follows:

1. Km. Chetna Arya (coordinator)
2. Dr. Neelam Saun (Member)
3. Ms. Neetu Khulbe (Member)
4.Mrs. Mamta (Member From Police Department)
5.Mr Maheep Kishor (Legal Advisor) 
6.Mrs Ganga Devi (Member from NGO)
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